Ontario Association of Library Technicians
Association des bibliotechniciens de l'Ontario

Reminder – Call for sessions OALT/ABO 2017 Conference

We are putting together a great conference and want to hear your ideas. Working on something you’d like to share or have a topic you wish you knew more about? Fill out the form at https://oaltabo.on.ca/conference/sessions/. We also welcome ideas for sessions you would like to see offered even if you would not present them. Please share this call widely with colleagues. The deadline for proposals is Friday January 13, 2017.

The conference will be held Wednesday May 10 – Saturday May 13, 2017 at Algonquin College, Woodroffe Campus, in Ottawa.

Any questions or comments can be sent to conference@oaltabo.on.ca

Looking forward to hearing your ideas!

Jessica Reeve
Conference Coordinator/Interim President