Ontario Association of Library Technicians
Association des bibliotechniciens de l'Ontario

OALT/ABO on Social Media

Message from the Executive

Dear Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa members:

The OALT/ABO Board of Directors have just announced that the Association now has a Google + Page and a Facebook group. The links to both of these pages are below, and are also available on the side bar of the Chapter’s website:

Google + Page: https://plus.google.com/100659744024584029317
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OALTABO/

Also, the Association’s Website Committee has been established and plans for the website redesign are under way. Feel free to share your input on the listserv about what you’d like to see and your suggestions will be considered by the committee in a future meeting.

If you have any questions, please contact me via e-mail at ottawa@ottawa.oaltabo.on.ca or Twitter @OALTOttawa.

Vincent Elit
Chapter President and Archivist | Président et Archiviste de la Section
Ontario Association of Library Technicians | Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario
Ottawa Chapter | Section d’Ottawa
P.O. Box / case postale 1094, Station/Succursale B Ottawa ON K1P 5R1
ottawa@ottawa.oaltabo.on.ca | https://ottawa.oaltabo.on.ca | @OALTOttawa