New Committee members for the 2015 year
On February 23, 2015, the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa Executive held its first Executive and Committees meeting for 2015. At this meeting, the following members of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa were appointed as follows:
- Archivist: Vincent Elit
- Head, Translation Committee: José Gélinas
- Head, Communications Committee: Linda Landreville
If you would like to contact any of the Committee members, they can be reached at
I welcome these Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa members to our 2015 team.
Vincent Elit
Chapter President and Archivist | Président et Archiviste de la Section
Ontario Association of Library Technicians | Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario
Ottawa Chapter | Section d’Ottawa
P.O. Box / case postale 1094, Station/Succursale B Ottawa ON K1P 5R1
E-mail/Courriel: Website/Site web: