Call for Volunteers – January, 2014
The Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa of the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario (OALT/ABO) is looking for committed and enthusiastic people from the library community, who are interested in serving on either the Ottawa Chapter Executive or Committees. The Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa is made up of library technicians and support staff who share a common goal of promoting and preserving libraries and information technology.
Positions available for the upcoming year:
Elected at the Annual General Meeting:
• President
• Vice-President
• Treasurer
• Secretary
Committees that support the objectives of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa:
• Website and Communications (Newsletter) Committee
• Translation Committee
Please let us know if you or one of your colleagues would be interested in serving within the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa of OALT/ABO.
Thinking of attending an Executive Meeting to find out more?
For further details, please send your name and e-mail address to, and we will contact you.