Ontario Association of Library Technicians
Association des bibliotechniciens de l'Ontario


Presidential Award

Details on this award can be found here.

Award for Innovation

Details on this award can be found here.

Outstanding Student Award – Algonquin College

Each year, OALT/ABO sponsors the OALT/ABO Outstanding Student Award. This award is presented annually to recognize an outstanding student in each of the Library and Information Technician programs across the province.

Year/AnnéeOALT/ABO Outstanding Student Award
2017Annika Dyck
2016Emily Tousaw-Gurnsey
2015Stephanie Pegg
2014Timothy Yale
2013Esenia Jubea
2012Ryan Tucci
2011Jessica Reeve
2010Sheila Galbraith
2009Lindsay Richards
2008Rachel Auclair
2007Olga Mkhitarova
2006Nicole Hanson