2021 Annual General Meeting – Agenda, minutes and annual reports
Table of Contents
Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 09, 2021 @ 6:30 PM
Virtually via Zoom
- Call to order
- Attendance
- Adoption of Agenda
- Approval of previous Annual General Meeting minutes (2020)
- Executive and Committee Reports (one report for all
- President – vacant
- Vice-President – vacant
- Treasurer (Financial Statement) – Linda Landreville
- Secretary – Sharon Doyle
- Archivist – Vincent Elit
- Communications Committee – Linda Landreville
- Translation Committee – José Gélinas
- Election of Executive Officers:
- President
- Vice-President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Other Business:
- Website
- Archives
- Algonquin College – Library and Info Tech Advisory Committee
- OALT/ABO Annual Conference (2021)
- Ideas for Virtual Workshops and Future
- Next Meeting:
- Adjournment
Issued: February 02, 2021
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday February 11, 2020 @ 5:30 PM
Biagio’s Italian Kitchen Restaurant
1. Call to order
a) Meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm welcoming all to the Annual General Meeting of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa of the Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario (OALT/ABO). Quorum established with nine members present. Members introduced themselves around the table.
b) Introduction of the Executive and Committee Members (Appointed officers)
Barbara Cope introduced the current Executive and Committee members for 2019:
Chapter President – Barbara Cope
Vice-President – Vacant
Secretary – Sharon Doyle
Treasurer – Linda Landreville
Head, Communications Committee – Linda Landreville
Head, Translation Committee – José Gélinas
Archivist – Vincent Elit
c) Recording Secretary
Our recording secretary for the meeting was Sharon Doyle.
2. Attendance
In attendance were: Barbara Cope, Sharon Doyle, Jeka Dupont, Vincent Elit, José Gélinas, Kathy Heney, Linda Landreville, Carol Moher.
3. Adoption of Agenda
The agenda for the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa of the OALT/ABO was distributed to all members via email. A copy also had been placed on the Chapter’s website and it was made available for the meeting in limited print quantities.
Adoption of the agenda was moved by Carol Moher, seconded by Jeka Dupont. Motion carried.
4. Approval of previous Annual General Meeting minutes (2018)
Approval of the adoption of the 2019 Annual General Meeting minutes was made after the following correction: 7 (c) of the minutes should read: “Chapter Timeline and Procedures Manual.” There were no further changes/corrections/additions called for.
Moved by Linda Landreville, seconded by Carol Moher. Motion Carried.
5. Executive and Committee Reports
The Chapter’s by-laws (4 & 8) require that all Executive members and Committee heads prepare reports for the Annual General Meeting, which are presented in both the English and French. The President’s report on the Chapter’s activities during the previous year, the Treasurer on the overall financial well-being of the Chapter, including membership.
a) President – Barbara Cope
Barb provided a summarized version of her report to the membership. The written report is available as part of the AGM package and online. Barbara also submitted reports at the OALT/ABO Board meetings. Barb thanked the chapter executive, especially Josė, Vincent, and Linda for their work on translating the minutes. Barb also thanked the ex team for all their work over the last years. Barb announced that she would be resigning as president of the chapter. There were no questions concerning the report.
b) Treasurer (Financial Statement) – Linda Landreville
Linda provided a summarized version of her report to the membership. Linda also thanked the ex for their work over the last year. Additionally, Linda will no longer be keeping any petty cash on hand all monies will now be deposited in the bank. There were no additional questions concerning the Treasurer’s report and financial statement.
c) Secretary – Sharon Doyle
Sharon provided a summarized version of her report to the membership. Sharon also thanked the ex for all the support over the last year. The written report is available as part of the AGM package and online. There were no questions concerning the report.
The adoption of the three Executive Committee members’ reports was moved by José Gélinas, seconded by Jeka Dupont. Motion carried.
- Cash draw was held for (1) prize of $25.00. The winner was Jeka Dupont.
d) Archivist – Vincent Elit
Vincent provided a summarized version of his report to the membership. Vincent is working closely with Tiffany Ribeiro to digitize both the Association and Chapters collections. There were no questions concerning the report.
e) Head, Communications Committee – Linda Landreville
Linda provided a summarized version of her report to the membership. Linda has worked with José to streamline the Communications and Translation Committees. There were no questions concerning the report.
f) Head, Translation Committee – José Gélinas
JJosé provided a summarized version of her report to the membership. José thanked the ex for their support over the last year. There were no questions concerning the report.
A motion to adopt the reports of the Committee Heads was made by Linda Landreville, seconded by Carol Moher. Motion carried.
6. Election of Executive Officers
On behalf of the membership Barb thanked the members of the 2019 Executive and Committees, who served the Chapter so well in the past year. She also personally thanked the Executive and Committee members for their efforts during the past year.
For the next portion of this meeting, Barb handed the floor over to Vincent, who had been selected as the Nominations Committee for the evening’s election of the Appointed Officers of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa.
a) President
Barb – As current President, she was asked if she was interested in standing as President again. She declined. José Gélinas nominated Kathy Heney, she declined. Sharon Doyle nominated Vincent Elit, he declined. As there were no further nominations from the floor for the office of President, the nominations were closed. Chapter President position is vacant.
b) Vice-President
Vacant – Barbara Cope nominated Carol Moher, she declined. No further nominations from the floor. Vice-President position remains vacant.
c) Treasurer
Linda – As current Treasurer, she was asked if she was interested in standing as Treasurer again. She agreed. As there were no further nominations from the floor for the office of Treasurer, the nominations were closed. Linda Landreville was acclaimed as Chapter Treasurer.
d) Secretary
Sharon – As current Secretary, she was asked if she was interested in standing as Secretary again. She agreed. As there were no further nominations from the floor for the office of Secretary, the nominations were closed. Sharon Doyle was acclaimed as Chapter Secretary.
Acceptance of the list of 2019 Executive Officers for the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa was moved by Kathy Heney, seconded by José Gélinas. Motion carried.
The 2020 Executive Officers for the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa of the OALT/ABO are:
President: Vacant
Vice-President: Vacant
Treasurer: Linda Landreville
Secretary: Sharon Doyle
7. Other Business
a) Website
The Chapter and Association websites have been streamlined to look the same. Social media has been used for socials, AGM, chapter events, and updates. The translation app on the website had been upgraded. Chrome functionality issues should be shortly resolved and is hopefully a temporary problem.
b) Annual Report to the Board of Directors of the Association
Barb’s report was provided, including a brief summary of the Chapter’s events. Barb also reported that the Chapter had a successful well attended Student Meet & Greet. Both Barb and Carol attended Pat Graham’s funeral. This report has been made available on our website.
c) Algonquin College – Library and Info Tech Advisory Committee
Vincent reported that he is connected with external stakeholders including college and university libraries, public libraries, and special libraries. This will be the first cohort to graduate from the Algonquin/Carleton, Bachelor of Information Technology course. Algonquin is working on changes to cataloguing courses for tech’s. Meetings are to be scheduled three times in the upcoming year.
d) OALT/ABO Annual Conference (2020)
The 2020 conference will be held on April 29 – May 2 at the Durham College , Oshawa. Registration opens tonight, the conference program is online on the website.
e) Workshop feedback
Possible workshop ideas are WordPress, Windows 10 Protecting your Computer, detailed Google Drive sessions on sheets and docs, webinars are also available for sessions.
f) AGM Feedback
Suggested that 5:30pm start time is too early for working people, next AGM should start later at 6pm or 6:30pm.
8. Next meeting
No meeting has been scheduled yet.
9. Adjournment
Barb called for a motion to adjourn the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa with thanks to all who attended. Linda, on behalf of the Chapter members thanked Barb for her long years of service, hard work and dedication to both the Chapter and the Association. Thank you Barb, you will be missed.
The motion was made by Carol Moher, seconded by José Gélinas. Motion carried.
The Annual General Meeting of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa was adjourned at 7:45 pm EST.
Executive and Committees Annual Report
Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa (formerly Ottawa Regional Branch/Section régionale d’Ottawa) has overcome many challenges in its 46-year history. That said, nothing could have prepared us for 2020!
The year started off normally. With hard work by the Executive and our Translator (Thank you, José), we compiled our Reports and on February 11th we held our 2019 Annual General Meeting at Biagio’s Italian Kitchen. Although we enjoyed a pleasant evening, we were unsuccessful at finding a Chapter President or Vice President. However, we were not discouraged because we were prepared to start soliciting candidates in the weeks to follow. On the upside, we elected a Treasurer (Linda Landreville) and a Secretary (Sharon Doyle). With these Executive positions filled and in collaboration with a Translation Committee chair (José Gélinas) and a Chapter Archivist (Vincent Elit), our plans were about to take shape. Then, on March 17, 2020 the World as we knew it shut down.
This upheaval meant that every activity or meeting had to be cancelled or moved to an online format. Regardless:
- We held seven virtual Chapter Meetings: March 24th, April 21st, May 26th, June 23rd, August 18th, September 15th, and October 13th.
- We monitored our Chapter Finances, and we produced our Quarterly Financial Reports.
- A representative from the Chapter was able to participate in OALT/ABO virtual Board of Directors Meetings on April 16th, October 15th, and November 26th.
- Several Ottawa members attended the first-ever virtual OALT/ABO Annual General Meeting on May 2nd.
- We hosted a virtual Algonquin College Student Meet and Greet on November 5th.
- Upcoming, the 48th OALT/ABO Conference is being held virtually from May 10th to 15th, 2021. We are hoping that as many members as possible will register.
As 2021 unfolds, we should acknowledge what the Pandemic has taught us. Prior to all the COVID-19 Restrictions, few people had experience with webcams and the electronic tools that bring people together virtually. Fast forward to today, many more Professional Development activities and social events have been created and made available to a much wider audience. When you think about it, the possibilities now are limitless for bringing future workshops and activities to our Association and Chapter.
In closing, we recognise the outgoing Team who kept us active and current. Thank you to: Sharon, Linda, José and Vincent for your commitment to OALT/ABO and Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa.
Respectfully submitted,
Executive and Committees
Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa
Financial Statement (December 31, 2020)
Chequing Account
Year to date Jan. 1, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2020 |
Opening Bank Balance – January 01, 2020 | 1,991.28 |
Income: | |
Membership Remittance | 194.30 |
Total | 2,185.58 |
Expenses: | |
Bank fees | 30.00 |
Total | 916.24 |
Final Details: | |
Closing Balance – December 31, 2020 | 2,155.58 |
Bank Balance – December 31, 2020 | 2,155.58 |
Budgeted Amounts (Managed within Balance)
Pat Graham Student Sponsorship Fund
Year to date Jan. 1, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2020 |
Balance – December 31, 2020 – $126.76 |
Treasurer: Activity Report
Despite the events of 2020, Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa maintained its finances. The Treasurer’s activities included:
- Depositing one Membership Remittance cheque from OALT/ABO to our Chapter’s Account (OC/SO)
- Preparing Treasurer’s Reports for Chapter virtual meetings
- Preparing Financial Quarterly Reports
- Preparing the 2020 Annual Financial Statement for the OC/SO Special Chapter General Meeting in 2021
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Landreville
Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa