Ontario Association of Library Technicians
Association des bibliotechniciens de l'Ontario


At its inaugural Meeting in 1973, the Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario (OALT/ABO) was established as a non-profit organization of Library and Information Technician graduates, students, associate and group members. At the first OALT/ABO Conference in 1974, Ottawa officially joined as a regional branch, known as the Ottawa Regional Branch/Section Régionale d’Ottawa (ORB/SRO).

Since our first regional constitution was drafted and our first executive was formed, Ottawa has continued to evolve into a mature, professional chapter who has taken a lead role in promoting the Library and Information Technology profession.

In 2003, our name changed from the Ottawa Regional Branch/Section Regionale d’Ottawa (ORB/SRO) to Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa. Our goals and mandate however did not change.

Our mandate is:

  • Define clearly the role of the Library and Information Technician and to make this definition widely known.
  • To publicize the value of Library and Information Technicians and promote wider understanding and acceptance of their status.
  • To work to liaison with related professions and institutions and to promote effective communication among Library & Information Technicians and others in closely related fields.
  • To be receptive and aware of the constant changes and needs in the field of Library & Information Technology, and the community.
  • To disseminate information relating to Library and Information Technicians.