Ontario Association of Library Technicians
Association des bibliotechniciens de l'Ontario

Updates – May 2014

This article is also available in French, on our website at: https://ottawa.oaltabo.on.ca/newsletter-nouvelles-may14

New Executive Members for our 2014 Chapter Year

On Monday February 24th 2014, the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa held its Annual General Meeting at Biagio’s Italian Kitchen Restaurant. We had 10 members in attendance.  At this event, we approved the 2013 Executive and Committees Annual Reports and held the elections for the 2014 Executive. The new Executive members are as follows:

President: Vincent Elit
Vice-President: Krystal Benn
Treasurer: Ann Censner
In addition, at our first Executive meeting, we appointed the following Committee members:

Archivist: Vincent Elit
Website Coordinator: Linda Landreville
Translation Coordinator: José Gélinas

We would like to thank the 2013 outgoing Executive members and Committee members for their ongoing support of the Chapter: Jessica Reeve, Krystal Benn, Vincent Elit, Abbie Gourgon, Linda Landreville and José Gélinas.

Announcement of the launching of our new website

During the 2013 Christmas holidays, the Chapter’s Executive and Committees released our new website. This re-launch follows a complete restructuring of our web site, as well as a re-design, along with new resources. We are still undergoing revisions, so, all comments/questions can be sent to our Website Coordinator.

For recent updates from Executive and Committee members, visit our blog tête-à-tête, through our website.

Discontinuance of the print edition of ‘tête-à-tête’

With the re-launch of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa’s website, the Executive has made a decision to discontinue the publication of our semi-annual newsletter ‘tête-à-tête’. We will now provide regular updates via our website blog ‘tête-à-tête’. RSS subscription is available by visiting https://ottawa.oaltabo.on.ca/feed/

We would like to thank all of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa members who provided articles, all our Newsletter Editors who edited and published our articles in both print and electronic versions, and all our Translators, for providing translation services to our bilingual publication. Our newsletter ‘tête-à-tête’ began with its inaugural issue in 1979, with 2-3 issues per year for the last 33 years, concluding with its last semi-annual issue in Fall 2012.

Sponsorship to the 41st Annual OALT/ABO Conference

Again this year, the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa was able to sponsor a student, to allow the student to attend.  Stephanie Pegg, from Algonquin College, was chosen to go to the 41st Annual OALT/ABO Conference, using funds from the Jean Desislets Student Sponsorship Fund, together with a recent donation from the Association.  We also received a donation from Barbara Cope, a long-time member of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa. Look for an article from Stephanie to appear on our blog after the conference.

Details on the Jean Desislets Student Sponsorship Fund (JDSSF) can be found on our website.

Looking at the year ahead

The Executive and Committees of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa are currently in the process of planning/ identifying a number of potential workshops and information sessions for the coming year. If you have any suggestions, or would like to recommend a contact, please let us know.

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