Ontario Association of Library Technicians
Association des bibliotechniciens de l'Ontario

Update to Members – March 2014

ottawa-logoThe Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa Executive of the OALT/ABO would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa of the Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario.

You are receiving this e-mail message from us, as you have renewed/started your membership for the 2014 calendar year. The Executive has been working hard to provide opportunities for you – our members for the upcoming year. This update will highlight some of the available documents, as well as some of the planning that we are in the process of working on.

 New Executive Members for the 2013 year

On Monday February 24th, the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa held its Annual General Meeting at Biagio’s Italian Kitchen Restaurant. We had 10 members in attendance.  At this event, we approved the 2013 Executive and Committees Annual Reports and held the elections for the 2014 Executive. The executive members are as follows:

  • President: Vincent Elit
  • Vice-President: Krystal Benn
  • Treasurer: Ann Censner

If you would like to contact any of the Executive members, we can be reached at ottawa@ottawa.oaltabo.on.ca  

Annual General Meeting Reports 

In our last update (dated February 10, 2014), we sent out an electronic copy of the 2013 Executive and Committees Reports. These reports can also be found on our website. There were a couple of amendments required, which have replaced the original version. These minor corrections appear on pages 4, 5, 11 and 15.

*If you would like a printed copy of the Annual Reports, please contact Vincent Elit at ottawa@ottawa.oaltabo.on.ca, and he will gladly send you a print copy.  

Announcement of the launching of our new website

During the Christmas holidays of 2013, the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa’s Executive and Committees launched our new website. You will find there a number of new resources. We are still undergoing revisions, and all comments/questions can be sent to us at ottawa@ottawa.oaltabo.on.ca.

For recent updates, visit our blog ‘tête-à-tête’, by clicking here.  

Jean Desislets Student Sponsorship Fund

For details regarding the Jean Desislets Student Sponsorship fund, please visit our website at: https://ottawa.oaltabo.on.ca/jean-desislets-student-sponsorship-fund/

41st Annual OALT/ABO Conference

2014-conference-logoThe OALT/ABO’s 41st annual conference will be held at Queen’s University in Kingston this year. Dates: Wednesday April 30th to Saturday May 3rd, 2014 Conference program and registration details here: https://oaltabo.on.ca/conference/
*Registration closes on Thursday April 17th, 2014.

Looking at the year ahead The Executive and Committees of the Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa are currently in the process of trying to plan / identify some potential workshops and information sessions. If you have any suggestions, or would like to recommend a contact, please let us know. Documents of potential Interest to our members

If you have any questions, or would like to contact any member of the Executive or Committees, regarding any subject, they can all be reached by e-mail at ottawa@ottawa.oaltabo.on.ca, or via Twitter at @OALTOttawa. Thank you,