43rd OALT/ABO Annual Conference Renewal/Reformé updates
Happy Spring to everybody. It is finally a sunny day and warm days are ahead.
Just a few updates for our upcoming conference:
Transportation – if you are planning on taking the bus to Orillia then please let us know when you will be arriving as we want to arrange transportation for you to Fern.
Room Deadline at Fern Resort – the room deadline has been extended to match our registration end date – April 21
Registration – if you are coming to conference, please make a plan to register before April 21 as our online registration will be ending that day. We need to know accurate numbers for our food and conference room arrangements at the Conference Centre Fern Resort
Volunteers – We are looking for volunteers to assist the members of the Conference Committee at the conference. If you are going and can spare us some time, please contact me (Pam Casey) at oaltaboconference2016@gmail.com
Program updates –
1.We had originally cancelled the program Saboteurs vs Superpowers because our speaker cancelled but NOW we have arranged another speaker for the same program. So if you are registered for Saboteurs vs Superpowers we are pleased to offer it once more.
2.From Library Technician to Memoir Author – the speaker has had to cancel and we are hoping to find another speaker to take her place.
3.Orillia Dine Around is filling fast and so is the OALT/ABO Conference Tour Afternoon, therefore if you wish to be included in either of these two programs, please register as soon as possible. Once we have reached our cap then we will need to start a waiting list.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Orillia
Any questions, please contact Pam Casey at oaltaboconference2016@gmail.com
Pam Casey and Sherry Lawson, Conference Co-Chairs